Echoes of a Forsaken Promise

Dans ‘Echoes of a Forsaken Promise’, nous plongeons dans le monde mélancolique d’un voyageur solitaire qui explore les vestiges d’un amour passé. À travers des images poignantes et des réflexions sur le temps, le poème nous invite à considérer la fragilité des promesses et la manière dont elles façonnent nos vies.

Echoes of a Forsaken Promise

I wandered lone ‘neath twilight’s gentle gleam,
A restless traveler bound by wistful dreams,
Through corridors of time in lands unseen,
In search of childhood hues that long had been
Entombed in memories of golden days,
When laughter danced in sunlit, tender rays;
Now draped in sorrow’s ever-haunting guise,
I sailed through time’s dark seas and whispered sighs.

In yonder vale, a village faintly stirred,
Forgotten by the world, its voice unheard,
Where ivy crept ’round dwellings aged and frail,
And cobbled streets recalled a once-bright tale;
There, midst the spectral echoes of the past,
A promise left unkept was bound to last,
An oath, by youthful hearts with ardent flame,
Now shattered dreams that none could e’er reclaim.

Beneath the arch of ancient oaks so grand,
I traced the steps once trod by little hands,
The fountain, clear as truth in yester’s grace,
Reflected joys in each well-worn, smiling face;
Yet now its waters murmured soft lament,
A dirge for innocence and sweet intent,
For in each ripple lay a fractured vow,
A childhood pledge that fate allowed to bow.

I paused beside the crumbling stone abode,
Where once a tender promise was bestowed;
A pact to guard the light of youthful days,
To see through trials and hold love’s pure displays,
But time, relentless, wore the sacred seal,
And left a void no mortal vow could heal;
So heavy hung the weight of broken trust,
A legacy of hope turned cold to dust.

Through winding lanes, my mind did thus traverse,
Recalling days of mirth and verse diverse,
Where laughter rang in hours of endless sun,
And innocence in every heart did run;
I glimpsed, in phantom form, a playful sprite,
A kindred soul enrobed in golden light,
Whose whispered promise, like a secret hymn,
Resounded faint, though shadows now grew dim.

In every nook, the memories did roam,
Rekindling embers of a long-lost home,
Where youthful vows were etched in tender lore,
And every glance spoke of a love of yore;
A promise made beneath the blooming vine,
Of journeys shared ‘neath starlight’s sweet design,
Yet as the fates conspired with cruel art,
So parted souls, and broke the wistful heart.

Now I, the solitary pilgrim, roamed,
Where some celestial force had subtly domed
The skies with melancholy, deep and vast,
And every step foretold a mournful past;
For in that village of forgotten dreams,
Resounded once a pledge in quiet streams,
That though in youthful bliss they did confide,
Time’s hand would sever hopes, and thus divide.

I sought the cottage where the promise lay,
Within its walls the memory would stay,
A chamber sealed by centuries of grief,
Yet laden with the scent of old belief;
The door, though weathered by the winds of fate,
Still whispered tales of youth that dared to wait,
Where laughter twined with every timid sigh,
And dreams were forged beneath the endless sky.

“Here in this sacred hearth, where am I drawn?
What spell of past enchantments lures me on?”
I murmured low to walls that held the past,
And in their silence, felt the longing last;
For in the crevice of an aged beam,
Lay etched a promise like a fading dream,
A bond inscribed in script of days now lost,
That bore the bitter pain of freedoms cost.

In memory’s depth, I saw a youthful gaze
Locked with a promise made in golden days;
Her eyes, as bright as dew on petal fair,
Reflected secrets of a time so rare;
She vowed to be the witness of my heart,
To guide me when the dark had torn apart
The gentle hope that once had warmed my soul—
Yet life’s cruel tempest shattered that whole.

I wandered on, with heavy, stoic mien,
Across the remnants of what once had been;
The silent whisper of the autumn leaves
Recounted well the dreams no one believes,
And in the hush of night my thoughts grew vast,
Recalling days forever lost and past;
A promise made, yet never understood,
A fragile tie that time with malice pried for good.

Beneath the waning light of heaven’s grace,
I reached the hill where stood her resting place,
A modest cross amid the verdant grave
Of hope unkept, of chances none could save;
There, etched in stone, a gentle name remained,
A relic of a bond that fate had strained;
“My promise kept for thee, if thou wouldst stay,”
It read, a vow now withering far away.

The winds did wail as if in grief’s despair,
And painted tears upon the evening air;
For in that very moment, so it seemed,
The childhood promise shattered as it dreamed;
The golden light gave way to mournful night,
And all the hues of love turned somber, slight;
In echoes soft, the village sighed goodbye,
Its haunted heart resigned to weep and die.

I knelt in solemn grief ‘neath starry span,
The solitary traveler, broken man;
In whispered prayer to lost, unyielding lore,
I begged the fates to heal what was before,
Yet none could mend the fabric torn asunder,
Nor still the ceaseless, ever-weary thunder
Of time’s relentless march and sorrow’s pen,
Which writes in tears upon the hearts of men.

Amid the silent ruins of the past,
I marveled at a truth both stark and vast:
That promises, like fragile petals, fall,
And dreams, though fair, are doomed to heed night’s call;
The oath once forged in youth’s pure, ardent flame
Now lay as ashes, whispering her name;
No vow could ever bind the fleeting hours,
Nor salvage love from sorrow’s bitter bowers.

So journeys end and weary souls must part,
Their destinies inscribed upon the heart;
I rose with heavy steps toward the dawn,
Bereft of that which once had brightly shone;
The village, echoing with silent rue,
Bore testimony to a promise true,
Yet fate, in endless cruelty arrayed,
Had left my cherished bond so coldly swayed.

In solitude, I journeyed ever on,
Haunted by the past like a mournful song;
For every step recalled a tender face,
A moment lost in time’s relentless chase;
And though my heart still burned with fervent light,
That promise haunted every lonely night,
A scar that marked the soul with deep lament,
A testament to all that time had spent.

Thus now I pen my tale in twilight’s glow,
In hopes that sorrow’s seed may yet bestow
A lesson vast upon the fleeting breath
Of lives entwined with dreams and destined death;
For promises unkept and hearts undone,
Are but the tragedies that fate has spun,
And in each tear that falls upon the sod,
Resounds a requiem for what once was God.

And so the night enfolded all in shroud,
A silence deep as any sorrow loud;
The village, shorn of joy, in echoes grieves,
Its ancient hope now lost ‘mongst autumn leaves;
I, but a solitary wayward soul,
Must bear the weight of promises unwhole,
A melancholy bearer of despair,
In lands where childhood dreams dissolve in air.

In that forsaken lilt of memory’s cry,
I saw the truth that no man can deny:
Though youthful hearts may vow with pure intent,
Time strips away the hues of sweet lament;
The promise made beneath a summer sky,
Left in the dust, while fates passed slowly by,
And solemn now, as winter claims its due,
I live with grief both bitter and so true.

Thus ends my tale of dreams that turned to dust,
A chronicle of hopes betrayed by trust;
The solitary traveler trudges on,
Through lands bereft of all his former dawn,
With childhood memories that ache and burn,
And promises that twist and fade and turn;
A requiem for love, for dreams deferred,
A silent ode that time will ne’er have heard.

Farewell, sweet village, echo of my youth,
Where once I found the promise of the truth;
Though bonds lie broken ‘neath the cold, gray sky,
The memory of love shall never die;
And in my heart, that tender pledge remains,
A relic of the past in mournful strains;
For every promise, though in sorrow dressed,
Is but a beacon shining in the west.

Now, as the final twilight yields to night,
I leave behind the echoes of lost light;
The promise of a love that never woke,
Laid silent ‘neath the hush of memories spoke;
In every tear that graces cold, still stone,
The spirit of that childhood oath is known;
A tale of bittersweet and dire regret,
A legacy no mortal may forget.

So, gentle souls who wander midst your days,
Remember that the past in quiet ways
Will whisper secrets of a time gone by,
Where love and loss did tenderly comply;
And though the promise, cast in sorrow’s thrall,
Has left its mark, indelible to all,
Let not your heart be chained by cruel despair,
For beauty oft emerges from the care.

Thus in the silence of a broken dream,
Where twilight meets the memory’s delicate gleam,
The solitary traveler, lone and true,
Continues forth—his spirit ever rue;
Bound to that village, to a promise lost,
His soul forever paying fate its cost,
A mournful note in life’s eternal song,
Where echoed love and sorrow both belong.

Ce poème nous rappelle que chaque promesse, même si elle est teintée de tristesse, porte en elle une beauté intemporelle. En contemplant nos propres engagements et nos espoirs perdus, nous découvrons que même dans la souffrance, il y a place pour la réflexion et la renaissance. Que ces échos des promesses d’antan nous incitent à vivre pleinement chaque instant, à aimer sans réserve et à chérir les liens qui nous unissent.
Promesse| Amour Perdu| Mélancolie| Souvenirs| Voyage| Tristesse| Poème Triste Sur Les Promesses
By Rachel J. Poemopedia


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